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Heal Life Group

Heal Life Group was founded in 2022 and aims to provide tailored evidence-based, patient-centred quality care to help you reach your health and wellness goals in the best manner because promoting health and wellness mindsets is our lifelong mission. 


Currently we are located at 96 Canterbury Road, Canterbury, centre of City of Boroondara so we can conveniently serving the community of Boroondara and surrounding local communities.

Our Services

You are listened


Every single person has different expectation from Chiropractic, you can be assured that your needs and goals are listened.

Reduce tension


Pain and tension are the words your body uses to tell you there is something wrong. Pain and tension reduction is essential in the first place.

Increase Mobility

Most joint and muscle pain starts from poor mobility. By increasing your mobility your pain will be reduced and gone in the end.

Enhance Sleep


Poor sleeping quality is closely associated with poor posture during the day. 

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  • What does Chiropractic in HLG look like?
    Chiropractic in its Greek language origin means 'practice with hands'. Chiropractic is an evidence-based science which is backed up by research from spinal manipulative therapy, orthopedic, neurological, pediatric and many more aspects of healthcare and medical sectors. In HLG, we not only use evidence-based techniques to assess and manage our clients, we also read our clients in a holistic way so that your actual needs and goals are discovered and well understood by our practitioner. At HLG, it is YOU the client that we are helping with, not merely the PROBLEM. We care more for your actual health than your plain diagnosis.
  • Is Chiropractic safe?
    We get the point what your concerns are from. You have seen numerous clips on YouTube or TikTok that some 'Chiropractors' crack their patients with a microphone on their wrist band and you hear a thunderclap cracking sound, or there are critics on mainstream media of Chiropractors hurting people with reckless adjustments. However, Chiropractors in Australia are required to undergo a minimum of 5-year training to gain either a double bachelor's or master's degree (more than many other health practitioners in Australia) and courses like Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology and Pharmacology are hurdle for someone to be a Chiropractor, just like your local physiotherapists or GPs. So here in HLG you will be greeted by a Chiropractor with: - 5 years of university education. - 2 years of pediatric and perinatal chiropractic education (continuing). - 5+ years of working experience. - and most importantly - a heart from a new dad, to genuinely help fellow Australian families. Also when you go through AHPRA (Australian Health Professional Regulatory Agency) data, you will soon realize that Chiropractic has one of the lowest rate of incident, injury or complication and complaint, which means Australian clients' satisfaction and approval to Chiropractic is greater than the majority of other modalities. In fact, the rates of incidents you probably hear the most in Chiropractic care, in layman language called pinched nerves and broken arteries, are altogether less than 1 in 5.8 million, which means extremely rare.
  • Who can get benefit from Chiropractic in HLG?
    Here in HLG, we look after every family member of yours, expected and new moms, infants and kids, and more commonly, working parents and even grandparents. Perinatal Chiropractic, which starts after you get pregnant (Congratulations!) until 1-2 years after child birth (however complications of child birth can last longer than 2 years and can still be managed then). Perinatal care includes pregnancy-related mid and lower back pain, sacrum and pelvis dysfunction, pelvic floor and ligament tightness, core muscle weakness, pubic symphysis diastasis and etc. These are common conditions perinatal mom will experience, and yes, common conditions that HLG would be able to help you with! THE most common problem for infants and kids is postural problems. Scoliosis, rounded shoulders, pelvic tilt and etc. are nowadays everywhere in school and is something that Chiropractors manages every single day. Working parents and grandparents are common, so as your problems. Forward head posture, leg length discrepancy, headache, jaw pain and counting down the list... These are all dysfunctions between your brain and your body parts like your muscles, ligaments and joints and Chiropractors CAN HELP.
  • Do you take private health insurance/Medicare EPC/Third Party Payer?
    Chiropractors in HLG are AHPRA registered Chiropractor, therefore you can claim your consultation with your insurance provider. However, we do not provide onsite insurance claiming service, so you will need to claim your insurance via apps on your phone or contact your insurance providers.
  • What is your fee structure?
    Our initial consult (comprised of a Part I Discovery session and Part II Report of Findings) is $120. Our normal return consult is $85. Extended consult surcharge is 50%. Golden coin donation to Australian Spinal Research Foundation for attendance certificate.
  • What can I expect in your consults?
    Our Initial Consult is comprised of a Part I Discovery session and Part II Report of Findings. A discovery session is for anyone who has never been to a Chiropractor before or would like to know whether HLG can help with their conditions before committing to our services. We will take this opportunity to discuss your situations and discover your goals and most importantly, do a thorough examination on you and request for an XRay (if needed), so that we can know if HLG is a good fit for you. Report of findings session includes a summary of what we discussed in our discovery session, analysis of XRay (if requested) and your conditions. We will also design a plan for your journey of treatment and make sure you are super clear what we are doing and why. By getting your commitment we are able to work together to help you! Our discovery session is obligation free and initial consultation fee is payable at the conclusion of the Report of Finding session.

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Contact us

Contact Us

Our Clinics

Kew Junction Clinic
Shop 1/ 251 High Street, Kew VIC 3101

Ph: 03 9853 9000


Glen Waverley Clinic
598 High Street Road, Glen Waverley VIC 3150
Ph: 03 9802 9101

Opening Hours

Mon, Wed, Thurs: 9AM-12PM Glen Waverley Clinic
            1PM-5PM Kew Clinic
Tue, Fri: 9AM-12PM  Kew Clinic
                                1PM-5PM Glen Waveley Clinic
Sat: 9AM-12PM Glen Waverley Clinic Only

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